Tuesday, March 16, 2010

School is in Session

Two days of school in a row...we're on a roll!

Matthew has finished all of his phonics lessons and learned about alphabetical order today. He was a pro at it. I love it when kids pretty much teach themselves. Ultimatley, that is what I want to be doing...teaching my children to know how to learn on their own.

Gabriel worked on his coloring (he's awesome!) and his numbers. He loves school and is so excited to be starting kindergarten work next year. He's very serious about his 'school work'.

Speaking of learning, little miss Leah wants to do some of her own. She thought she was marvelous and clapped for herself (and of course I did as well) whenever she filled all of the pegs.

She's beginning to learn her colors as well. I have two spring hand towels hanging in the kitchen and let her choose the yellow or green one to dry her hands on them after we wash them. "yeh-yoh or been"

On another note, she's been hijacking these lately.

And I caught her in the act this morning. She's sure to have clean teeth at her first dental cleaning coming up soon.

After we got a call from Chris saying his plane broke down in Tucson and he wouldn't be home until tomorrow, we all took a drive up to Target. Tonight is bath night and we ran out of baby bath this weekend, or else I would have waited and gone another day. Plus, the kids aren't quite as crazy at Target as they are at other stores. Or maybe I am just more relaxed there.

We bought and tried out Burt's Bee Baby Bee Buttermilk Bath Soak with the kids tonight. I'll let you know tomorrow if the rumored delicious smell is worth the price.

We got a lot of looks at Target with all five kids riding on this.
I loved when the cashier saw that Ihad five kids and said, "That's great!" I usually get told that my hands are full, or that I have a lot of kids, or I must be kept busy, which are all fine even though they seem to have, "You're crazy" undertones, and I am not offended by any of that. But very seldom do I get a comment that having a large family is great. And it is.

1 comment:

Champion Builders said...

Your Leah is adorable! and the picture in your other post of you with baby is priceless. You have a beautiful family.