Sunday, September 23, 2012

MFW EX1850: Week Six

Few words, several pictures this week...

Making butter from cream in a glass jar.

A snack of crackers and fresh butter.

Making bird nests for science...chow mein noodles, shredded wheat, peanut butter and chocolate.  Add a few m&m's for eggs.  Snack.

Owl pellets.  Which for those who don't know, (I didn't until this year) are the coughed up remains - bones and fur - of swallowed-whole rodents.  (It's not poop.)

Our three pellets all turned out to have, what we determined to be, vole remains in them.

We've also been continuing our read-aloud of Amos Fortune, Free Man.  Again, MFW picked a winner and I'm asked most nights by my oldest son to read double what the teacher's manual suggests.

I hope you had a great week too!

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