Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Snuggly Afternoon

I am snuggling with Anna on one couch and my four other children are sitting in a row on the couch next to me watching "Fetch" on television, each with an airplane in their hand (yes, even Leah). The only thing that would make this moment more perfect would be if Chris were home from work. And if Leah hadn't taken all of the DVDs out of the movie case a minute ago. But they are happy and laughing and Anna is sleeping on my chest and I am so blessed by God by this moment.

We are taking the week off of school again and two of the kids and I are still in our pajamas this afternoon, but that's okay. I'm comfortable with that. The house is a mess and a friend from church just dropped off a dinner for us. I'm becoming okay with the house being a mess all of the time. Really, I've never been the tidiest person, but it's pretty ridiculous this week. I would rather it be a little tidier when friends see it, and just in general I guess, but I can clean and impress friends when my babies grow up. For now, I'm okay with my messy house if it means I can cuddle with my last newborn all day.

I recently heard a new mom say how she could not believe how much love she can feel for her new son, born just before Anna was, when she thought she gave all of her love to her first son. I wonder the same thing with every single one of my five children. How can I have room in my heart for each child? So much love that my heart aches thinking about it. And then I think about how my God loves them more than that and I can't even imagine how that's possible, but I know it's true.

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