Friday, April 6, 2012

Plastic Egg Hunting

I've lost count of how many times I've asked my kids what Easter means to them.  Because I want them to know why we celebrate Easter. 

And I also want to do the silly egg dying/egg hunting/baskets of candy/bunny part of the holiday.  And the Peeps.  Yes, the Peeps.  But I want them to know which is the important part.  So I ask:

"Would Easter still be special if we didn't color our eggs?"

"Is the good part of Friday that we get to go to the park and collect eggs full of candy?  No?  What's so good about Good Friday?" 

And they know.

For every activity we do that is not about Jesus on this holiday, I want them to remember that He is what Easter is really about.

Tonight we are having a Passover dinner celebration (yes the timing is off, but it's the celebration that counts).  We did this last year and it was amazing.  We'll have a seder plate and follow the Haggadah for Christians and even set a cup for Elijah at the table, who will one day announce the coming of our Saviour.

But this morning?  We collected plastic candy-filled eggs.

Well, at least the three youngest did.  I didn't realize that the event was just for up to age five, but they were nice and let Gabe (six years old) participate.

And my sweet three youngest shared with my two oldest. 

And the Easter Bunny gave them some fun little prizes as well.

The best part?  The gloominess and rain of the past few days paved the way for an amazingly beautiful day today. 

Happy Good Friday.  I pray that you've accepted the gift of life that Jesus has offered you.

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