I hope you like looking at pictures. Because I have a lot for you!
We do the Halloween thing. Chris and I both grew up doing the Halloween thing. I've studied a bit about the origins of Halloween, and I don't like them. But I admit, it's hard to know whether God is looking down on my family and frowning in sadness that we are having fun doing the same sort of thing that is against Him or laughing at the silliness of our kids dressing up in fun costumes, playing fun games, and having fun collecting candy. We don't do the scary stuff, and we have talked with the older kids about why other people do the scary stuff and why we don't. We say "Happy Halloween" instead of "Trick or Treat". I don't know if that makes a difference and I totally get why some people don't participate at all. That said, we still do the Halloween thing.
Chris does the pumpking carving thing with them.
Christopher wanted to have a seed counting contest.
On Halloween eve, our church had a "Trunk or Treat". They had church members decorate their trunks and hand out candy. There was a hay ride and hotdogs and jumpy castles. And there was my kids, having a blast.
We went to the Ford Family Farm that weekend also. More games, hay rack and tractor barrell rides, scare crow decortaing, pumpkin pictures, farm animals, haystack obstacle courses, and corn digging boxes.
I got crafty and made a Halloween dinner. Pumpkin Meat Pie and Mac & Cheese Monsters. I think I thought it was cooler than the boys did. Just because they didn't want to eat the meat pie.
On Halloween evening, we went to another local church for games and candy. It was so fun to watch four of our kids playing the games together! Leah did a great job keeping up with her brothers. The church had a fun Texas theme for their games. A cowboy boot toss, riding blow-up cattle, lassoing steers, etc...
We went home with enough time for Chris to take the four older kids out to collect candy. There weren't many other kids out anymore since it was a bit late, and the kids all got a lot of candy in the short amount of time they were out.
Later, in November, we drove past San Antonio to the Corn Maize park. We went into the maze but ended up not being able to find our way out, and the boys were planning to go to the airshow on Lackland AFB that afternoon, so we had to find out way out back through the entrance.
Christopher looking out over the maze couldn't even help us find our way to the exit!
Happy Fall!
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