Friday, April 30, 2010

Spring Photos

As I've said many times, we are having an absolutely beautiful spring here in San Antonio.  70's almost everyday and while some days are rainy, they are a blessing because we get to see all of the wonderful spring colors around us in the form of many, many flowers.  I want to take my children out and plop them in the middle of them everytime I see a patch.  Unfortunately, my children don't feel the same way, and really, the one time I did do that didn't go very well and I really need to find a time to go when Chris is there with me to coral all of the kids and help to keep babies happy.

In the meantime, I took the kids one at a time into the backyard and got some cute shots of my sweet children.

I was bummed when I realized half way through that I hadn't changed my camera back to high resolution pictures from when I had it on low resolution to upload pics of the couches we sold on Craig's List.  :o(

I'm excited to take some more spring photos with my Mother's Day gift that should be delivered next week.  My children are already annoyed with me snapping so many pictures of them but they don't even know how it will get with my new camera!

1 comment:

ZoeAndIzzysMom said...

Just thought I'd give you a heads up that your pics are being stolen and used on Facebook. She used my friend's too, so I did a reverse search of the photos and found this page. Here's the link to her page if you want to report her